As every year, we took the time in spring to put together an individual RTS newsletter for RTS Wind AG. The 8 pages RTS-Wind-News are carefully designed in our marketing department and written by various people from the team.
What topics do you find in the issue?
On page 1 you will find a few words from founder and board member Ivo Lippe. But also our other board member Marvin Benker has his say and talks about the last two years in the management and the focus of his work. Christian, service technician for wind turbines from the Onshore Projects department, reports on his day-to-day job exchanging cylinders on the wind turbines and gives an impression of this area of work.
Something that is particularly close to our hearts is our fundraising for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our colleague Bilal Kaldirim from the Rotor Blade Service department flew to Turkey immediately after the earthquake with the aid organisation HASENE international e.V. to help and reports in the newsletter about his experiences and impressions. This touched us very much. As a result, we collected money privately among our colleagues here at RTS headquarters and collected more than 1000 €, which will now go to a local children’s aid project. We will present the project in more detail in the next newsletter.
Of course, we also give you a short review of our first year with the RTS bees. Our two hard-working bee colonies collected 26 kilograms of honey last year and thus actively supported biodiversity in Bremen’s Überseestadt, which is in desperate need of it due to the many new construction projects. This year, too, the two bee boxes are at our office and they have already started their important work.
In addition to these topics, it is always important to us to introduce you to new employees at our headquarters, to report on our trainees and to point out that RTS employees can participate in the company fitness programme WELLPASS. It cannot be said often enough that our employees receive a bonus of 500 euros for recommending a colleague.
Why do we write this newsletter?
Why is it so important to us to write this newsletter, have it printed on paper and send a copy home to every RTS team member by post? The answer is quite simple: we all work far and wide in the wind farms of Europe, sometimes even worldwide. Our headquarters are in the north of Germany in Bremen.
The team is international, many meetings only take place by phone or digitally. Of course, there is more personal contact within the specialist departments, but in the entire RTS team we hardly ever meet. This makes it all the more important for RTS Marketing to publish a personal newspaper for everyone at least twice a year. It should give a small impression of RTS Wind AG: What moves us, what makes us tick, what happens in the Bremen office and in the other projects. Each newsletter is only a small excerpt and cannot contain all the information, but over the years a picture comes together of what is important to us, what motivates us to implement the energy turnaround, what always remains and what has newly developed. Everyone is welcome to write their own contributions, and anyone who would like to do so is welcome to contact Marketing department.
It is important to us that the issues are at home with our employees and can also be read by their families and friends. That’s why we put a lot of time and energy into the editions every year. Of course, the newsletter is printed on environmental paper.
We hope you enjoy reading issue 16, which is available for download on the right-hand side.

The spring newsletter 2023 again contains many larger and smaller projects of RTS Wind AG.